Avast ye, landlubbers, and sea-faring souls! It's that time of the year again when the air gets crisp, and the leaves turn golden, heralding the return of the much-anticipated Captain Jack’s Treasure Run. This isn't just any run; it’s a high-seas adventure set in the scenic locale of Redmond, WA. For eight glorious years, this pirate-themed running event has been a cherished tradition, inviting participants of all ages to don their most fearsome pirate attire and go on a quest for fitness, fun, and treasure. Offering a choice among 5K, 8K, and 12K distances, this run ensures there’s a challenge suited for every buccaneer out there. Besides the thrill of the run, participants are awarded a bounty of loot, including a finisher's medal, Captain Jack’s bespoke race shirt, a race bib, and chip timing to chronicle their seafaring exploits.
Run Details
But what treasure map would be complete without details? The event kicks off at the break of 10:00 AM PDT, with courses unfurling through the heart of Redmond, WA. For those eager to partake, registration fees range from $50 to $60 depending on the chosen distance, and a special $10 fee for young pirates aged 12 and under for a kids' dash, making sure there's room on board for every age. With 92 registration spots still available, the window to join this grand adventure closes on October 26, 2024, at the stroke of midnight PDT. To ensure no matey is left behind, the event is welcoming buccaneers as young as 7 years old, rising with each race distance. Adding to the bounty, participants will also find additional treasures in their welcome packet, from a referral program promising refunds of up to $60.00 for those who recruit their crew, to a carbon offset fee of merely $0.95, ensuring that our swashbuckling does no harm to our blue planet.
Setting sail from the docks of 15670 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA, US 98052, Captain Jack's Treasure Run isn't just about the run; it's a day filled with camaraderie, community, and the spirit of adventure. It's an opportunity to pre-game Halloween in the most buccaneering manner possible, all the while galloping through the stunning landscapes Redmond has to offer. Whether you aim to test your mettle against fellow pirates or simply wish to soak in the festive spirit with family and friends, there's a spot for every heart brave enough to go on this journey. On top of the physical rewards, the event goes a step further by including a King County Parks Surcharge, thereby contributing to the maintenance and preservation of the very lands we treasure.
Sign Up Today
No need to walk the plank if you're on the fence about joining; with the lure of getting a refund by referring friends, the only thing you're risking is missing out on the adventure of a lifetime. So, if your sea legs are itching for a run or if you’re simply in search of a unique way to welcome the autumn season, Captain Jack's Treasure Run beckons. Gather ye, crew, don your most dashing pirate gear, and set a course for Redmond. Who knows what treasures await at the finish line? Here's to making waves, creating memories, and chasing the horizon. Onward to Captain Jack’s Treasure Run – where every runner is worth their weight in gold!